i didnt think it was going to be real, but this is still so crappy
i didnt think it was going to be real, but this is still so crappy
This app is fake does not do what it says and if you like it "and you shouldnt" theres only four hologram choices stupid and pointless waist of time DO NOT BUY
The amount of one stars it has proves it worked. Its a prank. So lame but funny how mad people got.
omgz bruh did game is t totally egit it really works I ran over meh sis with a holographic Jeep lolz
I have no problem with this app!! Those who are complaining and whining about this app are dumb! Just read the description!!!
I thought it would be a real hologram but it is just a dumb picture of one. I know all of these people are calling the people who rated this low dumb because it says it is not real in the description , but really those people are the dumb ones if its not a real hologram then this app is useless and stupid in every way. Even though it said that in the description that doesnt make the app any less horrible than it truly is!! and also why does the app icon show a real hologram if its not a real one?!?!?
What a disappointment!
I was dumb enough to get this game and think it was a real hologram. This is not a real one. It is not even a prank at all.
This is trash
I personally didnt think that this app would come out at all like the photo but when I opened the app I was surprised to see it ask for my camera. I thought nothing of it but when I clicked the button to show the holographic image it was nothing but a 2D image on a screen therefore proving its a troll. Do not download this application
This is the dumbest app I have ever downloaded. I dont get the logic behind making this.
It specifically said its not real. I am rating it 5 because I actually read it and it does what it says it does. Dont judge an app because it didnt do what you wanted. Judge it on how much it is like the description the creator made.
This has been a dream to see it come out of my phone and now that I have tried it out it does not work it just shows you camera facing on were ever your at and I did it and it just showed it on the screen nothing popes out
Worst app of all time no joke! Dont waste your time do not download!
Dont call it 3D if there isnt actually any 3D happening. I was really disappointed. They dont even have a big selection of pictures. They only have four, like seriously!?
the app description says that its a prank but it also never says that its 2-D the effect is really bad and only makes a picture come up when you press a button it shows up, if future updates improve the tech and convinciness of it (if thats a word idc) so get if u have gullible or dumb friends that will fall for it
I thought it would be a good game but no it is so crappy that people hate this app
It actually works its amazing I thought it wouldnt work but it actually works its the future
I thought this app would be 3D but it was just a little blue figure on the screen. I dont recommend this app because it is a waste of time and space on your device!!!